165 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel. Tuesday Sept. 13th 1955.] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other Directors. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 6th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Aston Villa F. C. Transfer Fee Hickson 20,000. 0.0 M/c Utd. F. C. % 399.16.6 Gate v Bury Res. 101.13.6 Cheques were signed for:- Comms. Inl. Rev. P. A. Y. E. 1020.12.9 Customs & Excise 1.18.8 Football Assn. Tickets 20.13.9 Wages 641.9.3 Petty Cash 221.0.0 Bank Balce. £ Cr. Reports were given of the 1st Team game v M/c Utd. & Charlton Ath. and of the 2nd Team Games v Derby County Res. and Bury Res. Peterson Mr. Britton reported his visit 164 to the F. A. offices, where he had ascertained that there was no apparent reason why the South African player, Peterson, should not sign for us. F. A. At the same time Mr. Britton 155 had drawn their attention to the back That Portsmouth were playing a Grammar School Boy in their 1st Team, and that he had been selected to play in an F. A. XI. This, Mr. Britton, pointed out showed how ridiculous the School boy