164 purporting to be an exclusive interview with him, and of a letter of protest which he had sent to the General Manager of the paper. Peterson It was reported the South African 157 player, Peterson, had played well in his (South Africa) first two games in Australia. As he was due back in South Africa in early October Mr. Britton was given a free hand to deal with the matter, and if necessary arrange for someone to visit South Africa. A letter of thanks was read from Bert Prince, to whom a parcel of fruit & Chocolates had been sent whilst in Hospital. It was reported that Donovan was doing light training, and Farrall was out of Hospital. Potts was not fit to play, but McNamara would be fit to play in one of the Junior Teams. Bank Overdraft It was reported that following the 161 visit of the deputation to the Bank they had agreed to allow facilities for an overdraft up to £22,500.0.0. It was agreed that the cheque from Aston Villa, when received be put into the deposit account. Appeals for financial assistance from Colchester Casuals F. C. and the Marlow F. C. were considered and turned down. Directors Away To Manchester:- Messrs N. W. Coffey, F. Micklesfield, A. N. Denaro & C. H. Askham. To Charlton:- Messrs E. Green and C. H. Askham. Next Meeting Tuesday Sept. 13th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct E. Green 13.9.55 CHAIRMAN.