162 Hickson It was reported that Hickson had 118. asked for a transfer. It was agreed that the Clubs be circularised and asked for offers, and that the matter be left to Mr. Britton. In connection with the proposed visit of a Danish player, a letter was read from the Ministry of Labour, stating that it was not customary for permits to be issued to allow foreign players to play professionally. E. Buckle It was agreed to apply for 152. permission to pay accrued benefit to this player for Fifty pounds. It was reported that Lindsay had played last Saturday and had come though all night. Donovan was not fit, but Parker was now in training, as was grant. Farrall had undergone another Cartilage operation, and Keeley had fractured his leg. McNamara was progressing favourably. Practice Match The proposed list of allocations Receipts 158 as submitted was approved. (Copy annexed). Lancs. F. A. It was reported that a vacancy had arisen in our Division on the Council of the Lancs. F. A. due to the elevation to Vice-President of Mr. E. Green. It was agreed to nominate Mr. D. N. Ganon for the vacancy providing Liverpool F. C. were not nominating a candidate. Carpets It was agreed that the Sub-Committee obtain a Valuation of the old Carpets and report to the Board. Directors Away To Leeds & Derby :- Mr. E. Green. NEXT MEETING Tuesday Sept. 6th at 4 p.m. CNFIRMED AS CORRECT E. Green CHAIRMAN. 6.9.55