
		a ? of grain trouble, and Birch
		had also had muscle trouble. Lindsay was
		only progressing slowly and may require
		an operation. Mr. Britton said he was not
		too happy about replacements, and it was
		agreed that certain players be watched.

Practice Match	Agreed that K. O. be 3 p.m.

Liverpool		An Appeal for the Building Fund
Cathedral	of Liverpool Cathedral was considered, and
		agreed that this be considered whom
		allocating the Practice Match receipts.

Chelsea F. C.		Messrs J. C. Sharp and F. Micklesfield
	78	agreed to represent the club at a Celebration
		Banquet on Sept. 14th arranged by Chelsea F. C.

Unity Boys		A request from this organisation
Club		for permission to make a collection at one
		of our home games was not granted.

Walton Hospital		A letter of thanks and appreciation
League of Friends was read for the facilities granted for
	13	broadcasting commentaries to the Hospitals,
		and it was agreed that these be allowed
		to continue.

COMPLIMENTARY LIST	It was agreed that this be left
	70	to the discretion of the Chairman.

Next Meeting		Tuesday Aug. 16th at 4 p.m.

				Confirmed as Correct

					E. Green
