
		Players to play at Anfield on Sept. 19th
		to play in a benefit match for Spicer.

Army F. A.		A letter of thanks was read
	153	from the Army F. A. confirming the date
		for the Annual Fixture.

Sodingen F. C.		It was reported that a Souvenir had
	127	been received from this Club in connection with
		their recent visit to Goodison Park. They
		had suggested a further visit in the
		first few weeks of the Season, but it
		was agreed that this could not be arranged
		at he moment.

Dr. Billy Graham	A request for the use of the ground
	144	for 10-14 days from about May 15th 1956,
		for a Rally was considered. In view
		of the necessary ground work and
		renovations this request could not be granted.

Walter Scott		An appeal for financial assistance
		from this old player, to make a trip
		for the benefit of his health was
		considered, and it was agreed to send
		him Twenty five pounds.

F. A. (FINE)		It was reported that the F. A. had
		ordered us to pay a fine of Twenty pounds
		for signing Metcalf, a schoolboy.

Lancs. F. A.		The chairman reported that at a 
SENIOR CUP.	meeting of the Lancashire clubs it was
	138	agreed that Clubs be Honour bound to
		field the best available teams in the
		Senior Cup Competition.
			The Manager reported that the
		training had gone well. The Specialist
		was pleased with McNamara after his
		cartilage operation. Donavan had had