[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel
Tuesday 9th Aug. 1955.]
Present :- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other
Directors. Manager & Secretary in attendance.
Minutes of Meeting of June 27th
were read & confirmed.
Finance Receipts reported was:-
Sale of Season Tickets 2574.0.0
Cheques were signed for :-
Commns. Inland Rev. P. A. Y. E. 104. 4.0
Performing Right Society Ltd. 10.10.0
D. J. Gibson Benefit Less Tax 185. 9.6
Wages 618.17.9
Petty Cash 168. 5.7
C. S. Britton Salary 148.15.1
Bank Balance £9671.16.2 Cr.
Report of The report of recommendations as
Sub-Committee presented by Mr. Sharp was approved. (Copy
Benefits It was reported that Tansey, G. and
Rabone had applied for accrued shares of
Benefits. It was agreed that these and
Fershaw's be left with the Chairman and
Manager to deal with equitably. It was
reported that application had been made
to pay benefits of £750 each to grant,
Wainwright and Leyland, and this action
was approved.
English A letter of thanks was read
Schools F. A. from the English Schools F. A. for the use
17 of the ground for their International Match
and enclosed was a photograph of the
England Team.
L'pool F. C. It was agreed to release five of our