[SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT THE EXCHANGE HOTEL WEDNESDAY 3RD AUGUST 1955] Present :- Mr. J. C. Sharp (Chair), Messrs. T. C. Nuttall, and N. W. Coffey. Manager and Secretary in attendance. Chairman. Mr. J. C. Sharp was unanimously re-elected Chairman of the Sub-Committee for the ensuing year. Pension The quotations received were examined and the Scheme. Secretary was instructed to obtain amended quotations based on pension in lieu of death benefit. 205 Walton An application from Mr. J. Coppack for permission Lane. to apply for an exchange of tenancy to Liverpool Corporation was considered and it was recommended that approval be given. Turnstile An estimate was considered from Messrs. Tysons Ltd., Alterations amounting to £100/12/-, for the alteration of turnstile entrances near the Office Entrance. This estimate was confirmed in the absence of an immediate Board Meeting as the work was considered urgent, in the hope that the Board would approve. E. Green 9.8.55