
Election of		The Chairman reported that the
Directors	nominations in respect of Messrs R. A. Joynson,
		W. H. Sawyer and J. Taylor had been
		withdrawn, leaving three candidates for
		three vacancies. It was agreed that these
		be taken in bloc. Mr. J. Taylor then
		proposed that the two retiring Directors,
		Messer E. Green and J. C. Sharp be re-elected
		for a further PERIOD OF three years, and  Mr. C. H.
		Askham be elected to the Board for a
		period of three years. This was seconded
		by Mr. Shepherd and duly carried.
			The Meeting closed with a
		vote of thanks to the Chairman
		proposed by Mr. Parker and seconded
		by Mr. Lemax.

				Confirmed as correct.

					E. Green
