150 [Annual General Meeting held at the Central Hall, Renshaw St. Liverpool on Friday June 24th 1955] Present :- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other Directors except Mr. Nuttall who tendered his apologies, and Mr. Balmforth who was absent on Club business, and 74 Shareholders. Messrs J. C. Bryson, G. Bowler. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Notice The Secretary read the notice convening the meeting. Press * The Member of the Press were admitted with the approval of the Meeting. Directors Report The Chairman, in reporting on the A/c and Seasons working, expressed satisfaction that Balance Sheet we had held our own in our first year back in the 1st Division and Mr. Britton said he was hopeful for the future. After it had been agreed that the Accounts and Auditors report be taken as read, Mr. E. Green moved that the Report and Account be adopted. This was seconded by Mr. McPhail and duly carried after questions by Messrs Macauley, McCall, Bray, Sawyer, McPhail and Ney had been answered. Dividend Mr. Green proposed that a Dividend of 7½% less tax, be paid on the Paid up Capital of Company. This was Seconded by Mr. Searle and carried. Auditors Fee A proposal by Mr. Micklesfield that the Auditors fee be One hundred and fifty pounds for the ensuing year, was seconded by Mr. Richardson and Duly carried.