144 Gibson It was agreed that Gibson be 94 permitted to join Torquay Utd. on the same terms that he had gone to Swindon Town. It was further agreed to request permission to pay him his accrued share of Benefit amounting to Two hundred and fifty pounds. Daily Dispatch An invitation to take part in a five aside tournament organized by the Daily Dispatch was considered, and it was agreed that we were not interested. It was reported that parker would be fit in a week, and Leyland would have a try-out tomorrow. St. Patricks F. C. It was reported that St. Patricks had Verbally mentioned the question of a donation in respect of Cummins, and that they had cancelled the registration of Galvan if we were interested. Dr. Billy It was reported that Dr. Billy Graham Graham would not be able to visit 138 Liverpool this year. Nominations Nominations were reported in respect of Messrs C. H. Askham, R. A. Johnson, J. Taylor and W. H. Sawyer. Indemnity It was agreed to issue a new 139 certificate for four shares Nod. 365 to 368 to the Exor of S. G. Hazlewood, against on indemnity, to replace lost certificate. Balance Sheet It was agreed that the Directors 60 our Tour be empowered to approve and sign the accounts and Balance Sheet. Directors Away To Tranmere:- Messrs E. Green, N. W. Coffey and A. N. Denaro. To London A. G. M. Mr. Sharp. Next Meeting Tuesday 31st May at 4 p.m. Confirmed at correct E. Green 1.6.55 CHAIRMAN