
				MONDAY 2nd MAY 1955

		Present :- Mr. J. C. Sharp (Chair), Messrs. T. C. Nuttall
			   and C. E. Balmforth.
			   Manager and Secretary in attendance.


Insurances.	That the Fire Insurance on the stands be increased
		to a total of £360,050, at an increased premium of
		£200 per annum net.
		Loss of Profits for a sum of £174,000 over a period
		of 3 years, premium £170 per annum net.
		Collapse of Stands up to £350,000 for damage in excess
		of £500, at an annual premium of £145 net.
		Third Party Policy cover to be increased to £250,000
		additional premium £33 per annum net.
		All Property Insurances to be covered under a com-
		prehensive policy at an increased cost of £20 per annum.
		Lift Insurance cover increase to £2,000 at a cost of
		£20 per annum.
		Directors' Accident Policy total sum to be increased
		to £6,000 at an additional cost of £10 per annum and
		various minor adjustments at the discretion of the
		Secretary and Manager at an estimated cost £10 per
		annum. The total net cost of these increases will
		be approximately £600 per annum.

Mr. G. R.	That Mr. Beech's interim account, total £288, on
Beech.		account of the new entrance hall be passed for payment.

Alterations	The working drawings and estimates were considered for
		the new offices, Boardroom etc., the estimates varied
		from £6,400 to £8,300 according to finish etc. It
		was agreed to recommend that the Boardroom and Ladies'
		Room section of this work be done during the close
		season at an estimated cost of £5,500 and that the
		alterations to the offices be deferred until the close
		season of 1956.

11 Knoclaid	It was agreed that a brick boundary wall be built at
Road.		the rear of 11 Knoclaid Road to replace broken fence
		at a cost of approximately £35.

H. R. Pickering	A request for an increase in salary was adjourned to
		the next meeting.

						E. Green