139 of property, from Chesterfield F. C. intimating their intention of applying for re-election to the Central League, and a letter of thanks from South Liverpool F. C. Indemnity It was agreed to issue a new 129. certificate for two shares Nod. 264 & 265 to the Executed of Frank Lamb against an Indemnity, to replace last certificate. Transfer of The following were approved. Shares SHARES No. 264 & 265 from Xex. Frank Lamb to Mr. E. Green. SHARES NOD. 637-639 from Exix James Charters to Albert David Denaro. Directors Away To Leicester :- Messrs E. Green & C. E. Balmforth. To Wembley :- Schoolboy Inttl: Mr. Green. Next Meeting Tuesday Apl. 26th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct E. Green. Chairman. 26.4.55