138 Erie v Holland in Dublin on May 1st, and also on May 25th & 28th for matches on the Continent. The F. A. of Ireland to pay the cost of replacements needed on the Club Tour. Seaton Delaval It was agreed to send a donation F. C. of Twenty five pounds to this Club in respect of player F. Leeder. Tour It was reported that arrangements 126 were now almost complete for additional games in Schweinfurt, Munich, Ghent & Rotterdam. Rodney youth It was agreed to purchase six Centre tickets at 3/6 for a dance organised in aid of the Rodney Youth Club. Lancashire It was reported that a new League section of the Lancashire Football League was to be formed to cater 'A' teams of the Football League Clubs in the Lancashire area and it was agreed that we join this League. Liverpool Agreed that the semi-final v Senior Cup Tranmere Rovers be played at Goodison Park 54 on Thursday Apl. 28th. Several requests were reported for players to take part in Charity Matches, and these were left to Mr. Britton. It was reported that Clayton had a pulled muscle, and Bryn games a displaced collar bone. Dr. Billy It was agreed to loan the Graham ground for a service by Dr. Billy Graham during the latter part of May, providing the pitch was not encroached on at all. Correspondence Letters were read the Football League concerning the new Re-valuations