prior to the Match was not acceded to.
It was reported that Wainwright
would not be fit to play. Jones & Melville
were new fit, Birch was nearly fit, and
Moore was in training.
South An appeal for assistance from
Liverpool F. C. this Club was considered, to repair the
damage caused by fire recently, and it
was agreed to send them Twenty five pounds.
Ticket A letter was read from the Town
Selling Clerk painting out the problems of the
Police when tickets were sold prior to the
day of the Match, and requesting that
consideration be given to evolving other
methods. It was agreed to acknowledge
the letter and consider the matter again.
Directors Away To Blackpool :- Mr. Green.
To Newcastle :- Messrs E. Green & F. Micklesfield.
To west Brom.:- Mr. Green.
Next Meeting Tuesday April 19th at 4 p.m.
Confirmed as correct
E. Green