from this League and apply for
admission to the Lancashire Combination.
Mr. Britton was given a free hand to
act in the best interests of the Club.
New Entrance It was resolved that Messrs
81 Tyson Ltd. estimate amounting to three
thousand three hundred and fifty pounds
for the new Entrance be accepted.
It was reported that A. Farrall
was making good progress, Wainwright
was back in training, and Albert Harris
had the Flu.
Letters of thanks were read from
Sodingen F. C. and Harrogate Schools F. A.
Semi Final In the event of the replay
Replay taking place on our ground on March 30th
between Sunderland and M/c City it was
agreed that each Director be allowed to
purchase up to 50 Tickets @ 21/- and
50 Tickets @ 10/6.
Cup Final It was agreed that each
Tickets Director be entitled to purchase up to
41 Two @ 50/-, Two @ 25/-, Four @15/-,
Four @10/6 and Twenty @ 3/6.
Director Away To Bolton:- Mr. Balmforth
Next Meeting Tuesday Mar. 29th or Apl. 5th @ 4 pm.
Confirmed as correct
E. Green