127 be purchased for showing these films. Sodingen F. C. It was noted that the Sodingen 123 team would arrive in Liverpool at 4 p. m. on Friday and arrangements for entertaining them were made. It was agreed to invite the German Consul to the Dinner on Saturday after the game. It was reported that A. Farrall was now in training as was Melvilla, who with Birch, Saunders v Buckle were not fit to play. Alterations An estimate from Mr. Gallimore 124 was reported of £1646 for the Counting House, and the main reasons for the difference in price was explained. It was agreed that last weeks minute should stand, and that a letter from Mr. Gallimore should be answered. North L'pool An application for the use of Boy Scouts the practice ground on June 11th for a display was not granted due to the alterations which were to be done. Transfer of The following were approved:- Shares Shares Nod. 1446 to 1448 from Mr. A. P. Pate to Mr. E. Green. Director Away To Manchester:- Mr. Coffey. Next Meeting Tuesday March 15th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct. E. Green Chairman. 15.3.55