Bristol Rovers F. C. spoke on the subject of fixtures and suggested that it was time they were compiled by mechanical means. The President drew attention to a reference made during the discussion on this subject to the Management Committee of the Third Division (North) and (South). He reminded the Clubs that there was only one Management Committee and that was the Management Committee of The Football League. Television and Sunderland F. C. wished the Management Committee to go into the question of ways and Broadcasting. means of ensuring that the Clubs would get some revenue from televising of matches; at the present time they received absolutely nothing for the use of their fixtures. The President said that The League was not the only body which was apprehensive about what would happen when commercial television became established. The Management Committee was watching the position carefully, however, and was well informed. He expressed the hope that the Clubs would also inform the Management Committee of any approaches made to them for facilities to film or televise any match. Doncaster Rovers F. C. supported Sunderland F. C. and said that they realised that the alarming drop in attendance was caused by many things, but they felt that Television was one reason. They hoped that the Management Committee would look into the matter and ensure that there would not be any televising of football matches during the progress of League matches. The President pointed out that falling gates were in existence before the weather became bad, and there was also the question of other sports using Television as a medium of propaganda to the detriment of Association Football—as was happening at the moment with the Rugby Union, who had nothing to lose by giving permission for their International matches to be televised. He still thought that the great answer was for The League to make its own attraction. Wolverhampton Wanderers F. C. suggested that all Sports organisations should get together on this question. They were of the opinion that it was no good stopping Soccer if Rugby was to be televised. All Sports should get together and agree on a policy that there should not be any televising of any sport on Saturday afternoons. West Ham United F. C. wondered whether the Association of Copyright in Sport was still in existence and, if so, could The League be represented on it ? Liverpool F. C. suggested an experimental period of 12 months without any television or broadcasting. They thought such an experiment would perhaps give some indication as to the effect on gates. The President informed the Clubs that offers had been received from the B. B. C. and a com- mercial television contractor, which he asked the Secretary to submit to the meeting for their information. The Management Committee would deal with the matter bearing in mind the opinions expressed by the Clubs. Cup Final Coventry City F.C. informed the meeting that they had been distributing some of their Cup Tickets- Final tickets by means of winning programme numbers at home games. Anyone purchasing a Disposal of programme with a winning number was given the right to buy one ticket from the Club. This not Clubs only increased the sale of programmes, but also ensured that the real supporter was given an Allocation opportunity of obtaining a Cup Final ticket. Unfortunately, the Club had been instructed by The Football Association that the Scheme must be discontinued at once, and they asked if the Manage- ment Committee could suggest to The Football Association that the ban be lifted on what was not a lottery, but a fair method of distribution in every possible way. Occupation of Millwall F.C. drew attention to the Licence under which players occupied Club properties. Club Properties They had recently experienced entirely opposite judgments in two different County Courts when by Players. trying to obtain possession of properties occupied by players who were no longer in the service of the Club. They asked whether, in the event of the Millwall Club having to take County Court action in similar circumstances to obtain possession of a house occupied under licence, The League would back the case as a test case. The President stated that if Millwall F. C. would let the Management Committee have a copy of the Licence referred to, it could be vetted legally and the Management Committee would then be in a position to act should the necessity arise. 4