122 P & M Advertising Co., offering to take over the Programme advertising. Agreed not to accept this offer. It was agreed that the postponed League Match v Leicester City be played on April 20th as suggested. It was reported that A. Farrall was out of Hospital, and Lindsay was making good progress. Melville was back in training. Warning Notices It was noted that the F. A. had 116 ordered warning notices to the spectators to be posted until the end of the season. Alterations It was noted that working drawings 88 were now ready for the New Entrance, and it was agreed that competitive estimates be obtained, including upstairs alterations as soon as possible. Mr. Gallimore to tender for these also. Annual It was agreed that the Chairman Conference Manager & Secretary attend the Annual 46 Conference in London on March 7th. Finance It was agreed that the Sub-Committee INVESTMENT discuss the possibility of investing a portion of our cash Balance. Transfer of The following were approved. Shares SHARES NO. 642 TO 644 FROM EXORS F. J. BRAY TO JAMES L. BRAY. Next Meeting Tuesday March 1st at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman 1.3.55