
		to offer them Mar. 30th and leave this in
		Mr. Brittons hands.

Filming			A letter was read from Salient Film
(SPONSORED)	Production requesting our co-operation for the
		sponsored filming of top games, the films to
		be available to clubs on loan at a very
		cheap rate. It was agreed to enquire as to
		who the sponsors are and for what purpose
		the Films would be made and also to seek
		the opinion of the Football League.

Film Unit		It was reported that the Test Film
	106	made at our Match v Burnley had been
		fairly good under difficult conditions and
		another showing on a larger screen would
		be arranged.
			Reported that Donovan was now
		fit to play, and Billington had been
		selected to play for the English Youth Team.

Warning			It was noted that the F. A. had
notices		ordered warning notices to be posted, following
	100	an incident in the game v Sheffield Wed. on
		Dec. 11th and had asked for a report of the
		incident last Saturday when a bottle was
		throne on to the field.
			An offer of a Dutch or German
		Team to visit Goodison Park on March 12th
		should we have no game was not accepted.
			It was agreed to repair a fence
		at 301 Walton Lane, damaged during the
		sale of Cup-tie tickets.

Shareholders		It was agreed that it would be
Assn.		unwise for the Shareholders Assn. to invite
89		either Mr. Britton or Peter Farrell to their
		Hot Pot Supper.