113 had signed as a part time professional, J. Harris was now a full time player, and Bryn Jones had signed as a full time professional. E. Buckle It was agreed that this player be placed on the transfer list at his own request. Tour 110 An invitation was considered from the Bleu-Wit Club, to send a junior team to Holland at Whitsuntide. This was left to Mr. Britton to decide. Boiler It was reported that the Cylinder for the visitors Baths had been damaged during the recent frosts, and that an estimate would be available in the near future for the repairs. Maghull F. C. It was resolved to donate One hundred pounds to the Maghull F. C. in respect of A. E. Harris. J. W. Davies It was reported accounts for 107 Rent and Fuel had been paid for J. W. Davies amounting to £24.14.8. Reported that Donovan had been given special ingestions, and approved much improved. Replay It was noted that the date 106 for a replay was Wed. Feb. 2nd, and it was agreed that the allocation of tickets be left to the Chairman, Manager & Secretary. Transfer of Shares The following were approved:- SHARES Nod. 2429 & 1339 from Xors C. N. Underwood to Gladys Elizabeth Underwood. The appreciation of the Board