111 Edge Hill Rly. It was agreed to accept an offer Band of the Edge Hill Rly. Band to play at the Cup-tie v Liverpool at a cost of Ten guineas. It was reported that Donovan was still unfit, and Melville and Lindsay were doing light training. St. John Amb. It was noted that the St. John 105 Ambulance, Ireland would communicate with us again in two months. Everton F. C. A request for an allocation of Supporters Fedn. tickets for our Cup-tie v Liverpool was 102. considered and turned down. Transfer of Shares The following was approved:- SHARE NO. 998 from Xors. Thos. Spencer to Mr. E. Green. Directors Away To Leicester:- Messrs E. Green, C. E. Balmforth & F. Micklesfield. Next Meeting Tuesday Jan. 25th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct. E. Green. Chairman. 25.1.55.