109 Centenary celebrations, was not granted. Mrs. J. Hardman A letter of thanks was read from Mrs. J. Hardman. It was agreed to explore the possibility of dividing the Terraces into smaller sections. Transfer of Shares The following were approved:- SHARES NOD. 763 TO 765 FROM A. F. BALMFORTH TO MRS LEAH BALMFORTH. SHARE NO. 2259 FROM A. F. BALMFORTH TO C. E. BALMFORTH. " " 2242 FROM XIXES GEORGE PARKIN TO C. E. BALMFORTH. " " 150 FROM XIXES GEORGE PARKIN TO C. E. BALMFORTH. Director Away To Sheffield:- Mr. E. Green. Next Meeting Tuesday Jan. 18th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct. E. Green. Chairman. 18.1.55