98 It was agreed that they be advised that we cannot give a definite answer at the moment. It was agreed that the League Clubs be circularised, asking for offers for certain players, considered spare. It was reported that McNamara had a Cold, and Rankin was to have an X-Ray for a pain in his hip. F. A. Enquiry It was reported that the F. A. had appointed a commission to enquire into the incident during the game v Bolton Res. It was agreed that Mr. Britton take charge, and that Mr. Coffey should attend, along with the Secretary, the players involved, and other witness. Correspondences letters of thanks were read from Port Sunlight F. C. and Major General W. N. Stratton. W. C. Gibbins It was resolved to extend the countesy of the Santum to M. Gibbins on Matches days. Transfer of Shares The following were approved:- Shares nod 2287 & 880 from for M. E. Hewitt to John Moores Directors Away To Tottenham:- Messrs E. Green, J. C. Sharp, T. C. Nuttall, C. E. Balmforth and A. N. Denaro. To Scotland v Hungary:- Messrs R. E. Searle and A. N. Denaro. Next Meeting Tuesday Dec. 7th at 4 pm. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman 7.12.54