96 Presentation It was agreed that the Junior Dinner Presentation Dinner be held at Bellefield, as 16 before, in December. Buckle E. It was agreed to apply for permission to pay Seven hundred and fifty pounds to E. Buckle, and Four hundred fifty Woods M pounds to M. woods as Benefit which were new due. Hickson It was reported that Sheffield 51 Wednesday were prepared to pay a fee in the region of £20.000 for the transfer of Hickson after a discussion the matter was left to Mr. Britton. Correspondence A letter of thanks was read from the Rev R. Campbell, and letters were read from The Football League, Messrs J. Y. Games and B. H. Quigley, and a former player R. Lambert . Director Away To Derby:- Mr. E. Green. Next Meeting Tuesday Nov. 30th at 4 pm. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman 30.11.54