[SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT GOODISON PARK WEDNESDAY 17TH NOVEMBER 1954] Present:- Mr. J. C. Sharp (Chair), Messrs N. W. Coffey, T. G. Nuttall and C. E. Balmforth. Manager and Secretary in attendance. THE FOLLOWING RECOMENDATIONS WERE MADE 215 Walton An application from Mr. J. Daniels for exchange Lane. of tenancy was considered. As his mother was still officially the tenant of the house it was agreed that she be asked to write requesting the transfer of the tenancy of this house to her son, when the matter could then be further considered. Wilcox. A request from this employee for an increase in wages was considered and the matter was deferred for Mr. Britton to examine the position of the other groundsmen. Mr. E. Green That a presentation be made to the Chairman, Mr. E. Green, to commemorate his 42 years service on the Board, and that Mr. Sharp should ascertain his views as to the nature of the presentation. Re Rating. Mr. Isaac Dixon attended and a discussion took place on the question of re rating. It was agreed that Mr. Sharp should contact Mr. Harrop with a view to co-operating with Liverpool F. C., and if possible the Football League, in obtaining details of assessments, ground capacity, and prices charged of the Football League clubs. Should this course be approved the Manager and Secretary together with Mr. Dixon, to draft out for approval a suitable lett and questionnaire to be sent to the clubs. E. Green 23.11.54