[SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT GOODISON PARK FRIDAY 29TH OCTOBER 1954] Present:- Mr. J. C. Sharp (Chair), Messrs. T. C. Nuttall and C. E. Balmforth. Manager and Secretary in attendance. THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS WERE MADE 205 Walton That the tenancy of this house be given to Mr. J. Lane. Coppack of Formby, providing the present tenant was rehoused by the Liverpool Corporation. Tennis Courts It was reported that Crosfields Athletic and Social Bellefield. Club would not be renewing their lease and it was agreed that tenders be invited for these tennis courts. Alterations Plans for alterations to the Boardroom and Offices were (Office and examined and it was agreed to recommend that these be Boardroom) adopted in principle. Should this be approved perspec- tive drawing would be made available shortly. 1 Lunesdale It was reported that the pointing and necessary repairs Avenue. had now been completed and the account amounting to £32/16/- was approved. Re-rating. The report submitted by Mr. Isaac Dixon was considered and it was agreed that he be invited to attend the next Sub-Committee Meeting for further discussion. E. Green 2.11.54