
Reports			Reports were given of the 1st Team game
		v Huddersfield, the 2nd Team game v M/c Utd.
		Res. and of the Youth Team v M/c City Youths.

F. A. of Ireland	It was agreed to release Donovan,
	34	Eglington, Farrell & O'Neill to play for Eire
		versus Norway on Nov. 7th in Dublin.

			It was reported that J. Tansey had
		ankle trouble and was to see Mr. Henon.
		Clinton was in training and would see
		the Physician this week.

Water Pipes		It was agreed that an estimate
		be obtained for replacing the lead pipes
		with copper piping or other material, to
		give the best trouble free results.

Alterations		A discussion took place regarding
		the proposed alterations, and approval was
(G. R. Beech)	given to the appointment of Mr. Beech as
		the Architect.

Anfield			It was agreed to send a donation
Boys Club.	of Five pounds to the Anfield Boys Club.

Directors Away		To Huddersfield:- Mr. E. Green
			To Accrington:- Messrs E. Green,
		J. C. Sharp, C. E. Balmforth & F. Micklesfield.

Next Meeting		Tuesday Nov. 2nd at 4 pm.

					Confirmed as correct
						E. Green