
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel
				Tuesday Oct. 26th 1954]

			Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all
		other Directors, except Mr. Denaro who
		tendered his apologies, Manager & Secretary
		in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of Oct. 19th
		were read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Gate v M/c Utd. Res.			159.12.9
		Huddersfield Town F. C.	%		357.11.3
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Customs & Excise			4.5.6
		J. Anderton	Benefit less tax	117.15.0
		Wages					668.7.3
		Petty Cash				136.18.2
			Bank Balance £10,536.15.0 Cr.

Dr. C. S. Baxter	It is with the deepest sorrow
	74	and regret that the Board have to
		record the death of Dr. C. S. Baxter. This
		severs a link with the Club dating back
		to 1892, Dr. J. C. Baxter occupying a
		seat on the Board from 1892 to 1928
		and Dr. C. S. Baxter since 1928. By his
		death his colleagues on the Board have
		lost a wise counsellor and one who had
		endeared himself to Everyone with whom
		he had come into contact in the
		Football World. Many messages of
		sympathy had been received and these
		were read to the Meeting.

Miss E. D. Baxter	It was agreed that two seats
		in the Directors Box be available for
		Miss E. D. Baxter for all club games.