84 be fit. Parker, Fielding and Wainwright may all be fit to play. Mrs. Humphreys A letter was read from the Football 79. League asking for details of the financial circumstances of Mr. Humphreys, with a view to making a grant from the Jubilee Fund agreed that the Secretary reply accordingly. Letters of thanks were read from Mr. B. Humphreys, F. H. Merrmansell & S. L. Blenkinsop. Ties Sample ties were inspected, and 79. it was agreed to ascertain if they could be obtained in Royal Blue with the letters E. F. C. monogrammed in white. PRO. FOOTBALLERS It was agreed to subscribe Twenty GOLF. CH. 72 pounds to the Professional Footballers Golf Championship. Directors Away To Newcastle :- Mr. Denaro. To Aston Villa :- Messrs J. C. Sharp, A. W. Coffey, C. E. Balmforth, F. Micklesfield and A. N. Denaro. Next Meeting Tuesday Oct 19th at 4 pm. Confirmed as correct. E. Green Chairman. 19.10.54.