[SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT GOODISON PARK FRIDAY 24TH SEPTEMBER 1954] Present:- Mr. J. C. Sharp (Chair), Messrs N. W. Coffey, T. C. Nuttall and C. E. Balmforth. Manager and Secretary in attendance. Electricity A. letter was read from the Electricity Board Charges. suggesting the re-rating for Electricity charges. This would have the effect of reducing our Electricity bill by approximately £260 par annum and it was agreed to recommend that this be accepted. Tradesmen's It was agreed to recommend an increase of 2½d per Wages. hour in respect of E. Dillon, H. Wright and J. McDonald in accordance with a national award and that this increase be retrospective to 1st February in respect of 1d per hour and 24th May of 1½d per hour. K. F. Busby. It was agreed to recommend that a house be purchased to be rented to this employee, provided he could find something suitable in the region of £750. Lunesdale It was reported that considerable pointing was Avenue. necessary to this house and it was agreed that estimates be obtained. New The plans for the proposed new entrance was examined Entrance. and it was agreed to recommend that approval be given for this work to be commenced at the end of the present season at a cost of from £2,500 to £3,000. Badges. It was agreed that 500 lapel badges be ordered at a cost of 1/6 each. E. Green 28.9.54