76 Floodlit Games Invitations from four Clubs to take part 1. in Floodlit Matches were considered, and it was agreed that they be turned down. Kirkby Parish A request from the Kirkby Parish Council Council for a Donation or Equipment towards their playing fields was turned down. Tour It was agreed to explore the possibilities 58 of a Tour to the U. S. A. next summer. It was reported that Parker had a strained wrist, but may be fit to play, and Wainwright who had pulled a muscle was doubtful. Press Don Kendalls report of the Arsenal game away, was read, along with reports of other of the same game in other papers. Broadcasting It was agreed to assent to the Broadcasting of the 2nd half of our League game v Tottenham on Dec. 4th. Letters of thanks were read from Mr. Maureen, McIlhatton and Liverpool F. C. St. Luke's Church It was agreed to send St. Luke's Church 68 a cheque for £189.9.2 towards the cost of repairs, subject to the approval of Mr. Bryson. Transfer of The following were approved:- shares shares Nod. 844 & 2366 from Jas Norwell to Robert Leslie Raw " " 2185, 1091 to 1094, 1371 to 1376, & 1558 to 1560 from H. R. Williams to Herbert Westbrook. Directors Tkts. It was agreed that each Director be entitled to issue eight tickets for the shareholders stand for each League match. Directors Away To Barnsley:- Mr. E. Green. To West Brom:- Messrs E. Green, C. E. Balmforth & A. N. Denaro. To Manchester:- Messrs J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey & F. Micklesfield & T. C. Nuttall. Next Meeting Tuesday Sept. 14th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct E. Green CHAIRMAN 14.9.54