
		had been left with four Young children, and
		her income was £2.9.6 per week. It was
		agreed to make her a grant of Five pounds
		per week for twelve months, when her
		position could them be reviewed.
			A letter of thanks was read from
		Mr. Koch of Amsterdam for the compacts
		sent to Holland.
			It was reported that Lindsay
		was now off his matches.

Dr. Baxter		It was noted with pleasure
68.		that Dr. Baxter was improving rapidly.

Practice Match		The list of Allocations as presented
Receipts	was approved. (Copy annexed).

			A letter was read concerning our
Acount		negotiations with Acount and his eventual
		signing for Liverpool.

Directors Away		To Stoke:- Mr. T. C. Nuttall.
			To Burnley:- Messrs E. Green, J. C. Sharp,
		N. W. Coffey, T. C. Nuttall, F. Micklesfield, R. E. Searle
		and A. N. Denaro.

Next Meeting		Tuesday Sept. 7th at 4 pm.

				Confirmed as correct

					E. Green
