
		this ex-player for his Benefit Cheque.

J. McIlhatton		A request from the Supporters Federation
		to take a collection at a Home game for the
		benefit of the widow and Family of this ex-player
		was not granted. It was agreed that enquires
		be made as to Mr. McIlhatton circumstances
		and any further decision left in the hands
		of the Chairman, Manager & Secretary.

J. Fanar		It was agreed that an offer of a
		Football Combination Championship Medal
		of 1897/8 be accepted.

International		It was agreed that the member of
Tickets 41	Tickets to be ordered for the match v
		Germany be left to the discretion of the Secretary.

Complimentary		It was agreed that this be left to
List		the discretion of the Chairman.

Transfer of		The following were approved:-
Shares		SHARES Nos. 244-247 & 2253 FROM M. E. FARRELL TO JOHN MOORES.
		   "	2073-2075 from Exix N. J. Leather to J. C. Evans.
		   "	541-543 from Xors F. J. Ivens to C. M. Ivens.
		   "	33-35 from Xors R. M. Dutton to P. R. Dutton.
		   "	127-129 from H. W. Cospland to W. H. Jones.

Next Meeting		Tuesday Aug. 17th at 4 p.m.

				Confirmed as correct

					E. Green
