63 [Annual General Meeting held at the Central Hall, Renshaw St., Liverpool on Wed. June 23rd 1954.] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all {AND} other Directors supported by 88 Shareholders. Messrs J. C. Bryson, G. H. Bowler, Manager & Secretary also in attendance. Notice The notice convening the meeting was read by the Secretary. Press The Members of the Press were admitted with the approval of the meeting. Directors Report Mr. Green gave a report of the a/cs & B. Sheet workings of the past season, stressing as team work, the winning of promotion to Div. I and the Central League Championship, and praised Mr. Britton for the excellent results he had produced. Mr. Britton paid tribute to the Directors for their co-operation and to the staff for their co-operation. Mr. Green then proposed that the Accounts and Auditors report be taken as read, which was agreed. Mr. Green then proposed that the report and Accounts be adopted. This was seconded by Mr. N. G. Winfield and carried unanimously. Dividend Mr. Green proposed that a Dividend of 7½ % on the paid up capital of the company, be paid less tax. This was seconded by Mr. J. C. Sharp and carried. Auditors Fees Mr. E. Green proposed that for the ensuing year, the Auditors, Messrs Rogers, Bowler, Rushworth Smith & Co. be paid a fee of One hundred and fifty pounds. This was seconded by Mr. J. H. Bridson & Duly carried.