											For Period 3rd May, 1953, to 1st May, 1954.
								EXPENDITURE												INCOME
		      2nd May, 1953								 1st May, 1954	   2nd May, 1953									   1st May, 1954
			  £   s. d.								        £   s. d.     £   s. d.     £   s. d.								£    s. d.   £     s. d.
			24920 10  0	To Players' Wages and Bonus ...  ....  ....  ....  ....  .... 24742 10 0		  69907 16  1	By Gross Gate Receipts, League ....  ....  ....  .... 100677 15 6
			 2725  0  0	" Players' Benefits  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  7325  0 0		  28116  1  1	"  Receipts from Cup-tie ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  20510  4 6
			  505 15  0	" Players' Transfer Fees   ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....	     -			   5402 12 11   "  Percentage from visiting Clubs, League. ....  ....   7587  1 7
			  324 13  5	" Medical Fees  .... ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....  ....	408 14 1		   8113  7  6   "  Sale of Season Tickets ...  ....  ....  ....  ....   8244 15 0
			10581  5  6	" Gate Division to Visitors....  ....  ....  ....  ....  .... 12275  7 1   111539 17 7    -----------							      ------------  137019 16 7
			 7705  6  4	" Gate Percentage to League and Associations ....  ....  ....  7543  1 4
			 5594  3  1	" Associations' and Visiting Clubs' Share of Cup Ties  ....    4743 17 0
			12807 13  3	" Travelling and Match Expenses  ....  ....  ....  ....  .... 10595 18 8      975  0 0		"  Transfer Fees Received ...  ....  ....  ....  ....			     12550  0 0
			 1413 16  3	" Advertising, Printing and Stationery ....  ....  ....  ....  1136  5 0
			 3510 12  6	" Gate Expenses  ....  ....  .... ...  ....  ....  ....  ....  3732  0 4
			 4160 16  9	" Training Expenses    ....  .... ...  ....  ....  ....  ....  4178 17 2     1260 17 5		"  Sublets, Programme, Etc...  ....  ....  ....  ....		              1985 12 7	
			 7459 17  1	" Ground Expenses and Maintenance ...  ....  ....  ....  ....  6945  5 9
			  711 14  2	" National Insurance   ....  .... ...  ....  ....  ....  ....   818  0 6        2 17 6		"  Share Transfer Fees    ...  ....  ....  ....  ....			         6  2 6
			  328  8  0	" Rent ....  ....  ... ....  .... ...  ....  ....  ....  ....   418 13 0
			 3795 10 11	" Rates and Water... ....  .... ...  ....  ....  ....  ....    3955 15 1
			 1415 10  0	" Income Tax Schedule " A " and " B "  ....  ....  ....  ....  1340  3 0
			 1618  6  2	" Lighting and Heating ....  .... ...  ....  ....  ....  ....  1893  2 9			"  Balance Excess of Expenditure Over Income to Profit
			  339  6  8	" Telephone  ....  ... ....  .... ...  ....  ....  ....  ....	385 17 7     2926 17 6			and Loss Account  ...  ....  ....  ....  ....				  -
			  352  0  8	" Insurance  ....  ... ....  .... ...  ....  ....  ....  ....	409  9 0
			19459  9  2	" Entertainment Tax... ....  .... ...  ....  ....  ....  .... 25318  6 5
			 4840  7  6	" Office Expenses  ... ....  .... ...  ....  ....  ....  ....  5551 13 1
			 1111  2  3	" Bank Interest and Commission    ...  ....  ....  ....  ....   679 14 9
			  416 16  4	" Players' Requisites  ....  .... ...  ....  ....  ....  ....   996  0 6
			  342  9  0	" Legal Costs and Accountancy.... ...  ....  ....  ....  ....   209  7 2
			  265  0  0	" Pensions ....  ....  ....  .... ...  ....  ....  ....  ....   265  0 0
			      __	" Bonuses  ....  ....  ....  .... ...  ....  ....  ....  ....  4319  6 0
												     130187  9 5
					"Excess of Income over Expenditure to Profit and Loss Account 21374  2 3
			-----------								     -----------   ------------											     -----------
		      £116705 10 0								    £151561 11 8  £116705 10 0											    £151561 11 8
			-----------								     -----------   ------------											     ------------
										 		   For Period 3rd May, 1953, to 1st May, 1954.

			2nd May, 1953										    1st May, 1954	2nd May, 1953											1st May, 1954
			   £   s d.											  £  s. d.	  £  s. d.											    £  s. d.
			 1285  0  0	To Depreciation written off Stands, etc ....  ....  ....  ....	 ....		1469 10 0	28493 16 7	By Balance: Surplus at 2nd May, 1953 ... ....  ....  ....  ....  .... ....  ....  27732 1  2
			   80  6  8      "  Provision for Dividend at 7½% per annum less Income Tax .... ....		  80  6 8	  530  8 9	"  Income from Properties .... ....  ... ....  ....  ....  ....  .... ....  ....    910 1 11
			      -		"  Provision for Taxation on Current Profits less Refund for previous year	6650  0 0	     -		"  Amount received re War Damage Claim   ....  ....  ....  ....  .... ....  ....   1307 0 11
			2926  17  6	"  Excess of Expenditure over Income.. ...  ....  ....	....	....	...	     -		     -		"  Excess of Income over Expenditure ... ....  ....  ....  ....  .... ....  ....  21374 2  3
		       27732   1  2	"  Balance carried forward  ....  .... ...  ....  ....  ....	....	...    43123  9 7	 3000  0 0	"  Income Tax Reserve not required.  ... ....  ....  ....  ....  .... ....  ....        -
		     ---------------										      ------------	-----------											 -------------
		      £32024   5  4										      £51323  6 3	£32024 5 4											  £51323 6 3
		     ---------------										      ------------	-----------											 -------------

												BALANCE SHEET AS AT 1ST MAY 1954

			      2nd May, 1953							1st May, 1954				2nd May, 1953									1st May, 1954
		       £   s. d.  £   s. d.    £  s. d. 			        £  s. d.    £  s.  d.       £  s. d.    £   s. d.  £   s. d.    £  s. d.					£   s. d.      £   s. d.     £  s. d.
							Capital Nominal												Freehold Land, including
		     2500  0  0				2,500 Shares of £1 each			  2500  0  0						 	 Property at cost as per last
		     ----------									  ----------						 	 Balance sheet ....  ....		51264 11 11
							Capital Issued:											 	 Additions at cost during year   	 1875  0  0
							2210 Shares issued and								 51264 11 11 -----------					-----------  53139 11 11
							     alloted on which 15/-									 	 Stands, Hoardings and Erec-
							     per Share has been										 	 tions, etc, at Goodison Park,
					     1657 10 0       called up and paid...   1657 10 0						    	     18225  0  0 Book value at 1st May 1948		18225  0  0
							 290 Bonus Shares issued and										 Less: Depreciation written off
							     alloted to old Mem-							     	      7464  0  0 to date...  ...  ...  ... ...    	 8540  0  0
					      290  0 0       bers fully paid ...      290  0 0					 	 10761  0  0 -----------					------------  9685  0  0
							----			   	 				     	  	     	     1349 11  6  Amplifying Equipment, at cost	 	  1349 11  6
				 1947 10 0  ----------	2500			    -----------	  1947 10  0							 Less: Depreciation written off
																		      539 11  6	 to date...  ...  ...  ...  ...	  	   620 11  6
							Reserves & Undistributed Profits.					   	  810  0  0 -----------						-------------  729  0  0
							  Rehabilitation of Practice							       --		 Motor Car at cost    ...  ...   	  1250  0  0
					     766 17  0 	  Ground ...  ...  ... ....   209 17 0								 	 Less: Depreciation written off	  	   312 10  0
					   27732  1  2 	Profit and Loss Account...  43123  9 7														-------------- 937 10  0	
				28498 18 2 ----------			  	   ----------- 	 43333  6  7		       62835 11 11 ----------							      	       -----------     64491  1 11
		     30446 8 2  ----------							 ----------- 	  45280 16 7					 CURRENT ASSETS.
							CURRENT LIABILITIES.							   	   1385 6  3		 Sundry Debtors ... ... ... ...				655  9  5
				6759  9 9		Sundry Creditors   ...  ...		 11492 10  1			    	    110 5  0		 Sundry Deposits... ... ... ...				160  5  0
				 309  5 8		Current Taxation  ...  ...		   509  5  8						 	 Midland Bank Ltd. Dividend
				 122 17 6		Unclaimed Dividends...  ...		    72 11  8			    	    122 17 6		    Accounts    ... ... ... ...			 	 72 11  8
							Dividend for year to 1st May.									 	 Midland Bank Ltd. General
				  80  6 8		  1954 ... ... ...  ...  ...		    80  6  8				        -		    Account     ... ... ... ...		   		5658  2  4
							Midland Bank Ltd. General						     	     24  8 4		 Cash in hand   ... ... ... ...		     		  70 10  0
			       18637 11 7		  Account  ... ...  ...  ...		      -			 	1642 17  1 ---------							   		-----------     6616 18  5
		    25909 11 2 -----------							 ------------ 	 12154 14  1

				  -			Provision for Future Taxation		  6450  0  0
			       8122  9  8		Provision for Deferred Repairs		  7222  9  8
		     8122  9 8 ----------							 ------------    13672  9  8
		    ----------									    		------------- -----------										    		------------
		   £64478  9 0									     		 £71108 0  4  £64478 9 0										   		£71108 0  4
		    ----------									    		------------- -----------										   		------------

			   Signed on behalf of the Board,																				W. DICKINSON, Secretary,
						      E. GREEN    } Directors.
						      J. C. SHARP }


				We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit. In our opinion proper books of account have been kept by the Company so far as
			appears from our examination of these Books. We have examined the above Balance Sheet and annexed Profit and Loss Account, which are in agreement with the Books of Account. In our opinion and to the best of our information and
			according to the explanations given us, the said Account gives the information required by the Companies Act, 1948, in the manner so required, and the Balance Sheet gives a true and fair view of the state of the Company's affairs at the 1st 
			May, 1954, and the Profit and Loss Account gives a true and fair view of the Profit for the period ended on that date.

			30 North John Street, Liverpool, 2.  																			ROGERS, BOWLER, RUSHWORTH SMITH & CO.,
				17th May, 1954.																								Chartered Accountants.