62 transfer of Clinton, but the player preferred to remain with us. Army F. A. 31 It was agreed that this annual fixture be played at Goodison Park on Wed. Sep. 29th. Central It was agreed that we suggest that League the date for the Champions v the Rest be left for an Evening Match at the end of the season. It was reported that the players would report on July 20th, and agreed that Practice Match the Public Practice Match be played Aug. 14th. It was reported that A. Farrall had J. M. Clayton joined the Army and that J. W. Clayton had signed full time professional forms. Letters of thanks were read from the Boys Brigade, Maymount Rovers F. C. and Skelmersdale Utd. F. C. Audit Fee It was to propose at the A. G. M. that this be increased to One hundred and Fifty pounds. Next Meeting Friday June 25th at 4 pm. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman 25.6.54