61 [Meeting held at the Exchange Hotel Wed. June 23rd 1954.] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other Directors, Manager & Secy. in attendance. Minutes of Meetings of May 11th & 20th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Sale of season Tickets 8330.0.0 F. A. Cup. Pool 1098.8.3 Cheques were signed for:- Rogers Bowler, Rushworth Smith & Co. 143.16.11 Wages 199.11.9 Petty Cash 210.8.5 Bank Balance £6099.19.9 Cr. Report of The report of recommendations as Sub-Committee presented by Mr. Sharp was approved. (Copy annexed) Report of A report of the London A. G. M's London A. G. M's was given by Mr. Green. Tour Reports Reports were given of the recent Tours to Denmark, Eire, & Holland. It was agreed to refund the share of Gate in connection with the Erie Tour, and to send letters of appreciation to the Copenhagen officials and to Thos. Cook & Sons in Denmark. It was agreed that we could not accept an invitations to send a team to Holland in October. Easthope It was reported that Easthope had been transferred to Stockport City for £550.0.0, and it was agreed to pay him £50.0.0. as accrued share of Benefit. Clinton It was reported that terms had been agreed with Bristol City for the