60 [Meeting held at the Park Hotel, Aalberg Thursday May 20th 1954] Present :- Mr. E. Green (Chair) & Messrs J. C. Sharp, T. C. Nuttall, C. E. Balmforth and A. N. Denaro. Manager in attendance. The draft of Income and Expenditure a/c and Balance Sheet was considered. It was agreed that the Credit Balance of £1261.4.6 on the War Damage a/c be written back to Profit & Loss a/c. Agreed that Depreciation be written off as follows :- Stands Hoarding &c. 1076. 0.0. Amplifying Equipment 81. 0.0. Motor Car 312.10.0. It was agreed to recommend that a dividend of 7½%, less Tax, be paid on the paid up Capital of the Company. The accounts were then approved and signed by the Chairman & Mr. Sharp. Confirmed as correct. E. Green Chairman 23.6.54