[SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT GOODISON PARK WEDNESDAY 23TH APRIL 1954] Present:- Mr. J. C. Sharp (Chair) Messrs N. W. Coffey, T. C. Nutall and C. E. Balmforth. Manager and Secretary in attendance. THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS WERE MADE Practice That Tysons' estimate for the building of the Ground Practice Ground wall at approximately £400 and wall wire mesh fence at £157 be accepted. Catering That the services of the cook be retained during Staff the close season at her normal wage of £3/10/- per week and the two waitresses be paid a retainer of 30/- per week each. Monthly It was agreed that these be made available as Accounts previously, together with a note of outstanding liabilities. Boardroom That plans be drawn up for future reference for and improvements to the Boardroom and Offices. Offices E. Green 4.5.54