52 some of our Irish players at Cork on May 8th v Bristol Rovers was left to Mr. Britton. Liverpool It was noted that the final of Senior Cup this Competition v Liverpool would be played at Goodison Park on May 3rd or 7th. It was reported that Lindsay was comfortable, and the specialist was pleased with the position of the bone. Caldwell had now fully recovered, and Farrall, Rabane and Molyneux were progressing favourably. Annual The Chairman proposed that General Mtg. the Board supported the re-election of the three retiring Directors at the forthcoming A. G. M. This was seconded by Dr. Baxter and carried unanimously. It was agreed that the Meeting be arranged for Wed. June 23rd. Cup Final It was agreed that each Director Replay be allowed to purchase not more than 50 the following tickets:- 12 @ 40/-, 30 @ 25/-, 30 @ 15/-, 20 @ 10/-, 100 @ 5/- & 200 @ 3/-. Blazers &c. It was agreed that the Club 50 Badges & Blazers, be ordered as soon as possible, and it was decided to leave the final decision to the Chairman, together with Messrs J. C. Sharp, T. C. Nuttall and the Manager. Next Meeting Tuesday April 27th at 4 p.m. unless an emergency arose. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman. 27.4.54