
St. Lukes		A letter from the Vicar of St. Lukes
Church		was read intimating that agreement was
		expected to our proposal to increase the
		height of the Boundary wall adjoining the
		Church. It was agreed to make an
		ex gratia payment of One hundred and
		seventy pounds to St. Lukes Church, provided
		agreement was given. This sum to help
		to defray the cost of repairs already carried
		out at the Church. Mr. Bryson to send reply.

Cup Final		It was agreed that the members
		of the 1st & 2nd Teams be taken to the
		Cup Final this year.

Directors		To Burnley:- Mr. E. Green.
Away			Cup Final:- All except Dr. Baxter & MR. COFFEY.
			Scotland v England:- Mr. R. E. Searle.

Next Meeting		Monday or Tuesday Mar. 29th or 30th at 4 p.m.

					Confirmed as correct.

						E. Green
