
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel
				Tuesday 2nd March 1954.]

			Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all
		other Directors, Manager & Secretary in
			Minutes of Meeting of Feb. 23rd
		were read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Sheffield Wed. F. C. Share Gate		2054. 9.0
		Gate v Brentford			2238.15.9
		Gate v Plymouth A.			4503.10.3
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Directors Expenses			  55.14.8
		Customs & Excise			1335. 8.6
		Football League		4%		 139.0.11
		Plymouth Argyle F. C.  20%		 565.16.6
		Police					  47.19.6
		Wages					 663.11.1
		Petty Cash				 170. 1.5
		Football League re Pensions		 136.17.6
			Bank Balance £2,207.17.3 Dr.
			It was resolved that an interim
		Profit & Loss a/c & Balance Sheet to Feb. 28th
		be prepared by the Auditors.

Reports			Reports were given of the 1st Team
		game v Plymouth A., and of the 2nd Team
		game v W. B. A. Res.

K. Williams		It was reported that this player
		had now signed as a full time professional.
			It was reported that Saunders &
		Lewis had sustained slight injuries but
		should be fit to play.

Liverpool		An application from this body
Football League	for the use of Goodison Park for the