35 Wages & Salaries The proposed increases of Wages & Salaries as recommended by the Sub- Committee were passed on bloc, and it was agreed that they commence next week. Floodlighting 33. It was reported that the second demonstration would take place at the ground tonight at 7.30 p.m. Conference of It was noted that this was Clubs arranged for Mar. 22nd, and it was agreed that the Chairman, Manager and Secretary should attend. The proposition to be put forward was submitted and approved. Panto Day It was agreed to donate Twenty five pounds to the Liverpool Guild of Undergraduates. Transfer of The following were approved:- Shares SHARES No. 96, 168 & 1616 from Exos. E. H. Nelson to D. J. M. White. SHARES No. 2368 FROM H. Peverall to G. E. Brookes " " 1294-1296 FROM H. Peverall to K. Brookes. Directors Away To Sheffield:- All except Mr. Nuttall. Next Meeting Tuesday 23rd Feb. at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman. 23.2.54