away to Sheffield Wed. on Chesterfield in
the 5th Round of the F. A. Cup. It was
agreed that the replay, if necessary be
played on Wed. Feb. 24th and ticket be
printed at 7/6 and 5/- as before. Each
Director to be allowed to purchase up
to 40 @ 7/6 & 150 @ 5/-.
Wages & Salaries In view of the fact that each
Director had been furnished with a
list of the staff and the proposed
increases, it was agreed that these
be discussed forthwith. After some
discussion it was agreed to defer the
matter for a week.
Correspondence It was agreed that the
chairman accept an invitation from
the Army F. A. to attend the British
8 Army v The French Army game on
April 3rd and a subsequent Dinner.
Urinals It was agreed to explore the
possibility of installing additional urinals
where necessary.
Football Mr. Denaro reported on the
Exhibition opening of the Exhibition of Football
Trophies at the Williamson Art Gallery.
Directors Away To Blackpool:- Messrs J. C. Sharp
and N. W. Coffey.
Next Meeting Tuesday Feb. 9th at 4 p.m.
Confirmed as correct
E. Green