
		had come to the conclusion that his weakness in
		tackling was a bad feature for a player of this
		value, and did not think he was the player we

Panto Day		Liverpool undergraduates Panto Day appeal
Appeal		was read, and a donation of £25, was agreed upon.
			Liverpool Schoolboys were granted the
		use of the ground on Saturday morning Dec. 16th.
			An appeal from Stockton West End F. C.
		re Fairplay was rejected as he had not come to us
		from them.
			An application from Mr. W. Wootton
		for a position as full time scout was considered,
		and it was agreed that Mr. Britton should interview
			Mr. Britton reported that the clearance
		certificate in respect of Cummins had been delayed.
		Agreed that St. Patrick’s be recognised in writing
		as the Club from whom he came.

Development		Agreed that no appeal be made, in
Values		respect of the decision that no compensation was
		payable for the houses in our Land Board claim.

Director Away		To Bolton Mr. W. C. Gibbins.

Next Meeting		Tuesday Dec. 12th at 4 p.m.

				Confirmed as correct.

				W. R. Williams.