
			[Meeting held Exchange Hotel, L'pool,
			        Tuesday Dec. 5th 1950.]

		Present :- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair.) & all other Directors
			excepting Mr. H. R. Williams.
			Manager & acting Secretary in attendance.
			Minutes of meetings of Nov. 28th &
		Dec. 3rd were read & confirmed.

Finance			Cheques were signed for :-
		Football Association	Intl. Tkt.		£269.0.9
		Directors Expenses				£123.3.0
		C. S. Britton		Salary			£123.14.4
		E. F. C. Income Tax a/c	P. A. Y. E.		£42.19.0
		W. Dickinson		Wages			£525.4.0
		      do		Petty Cash		£131.3.5
			Bank Balance £19,157.0.7 Dr.

Bank Rates		The charges quoted last were had
		been confirmed, and it was decided to make enquiring
		from other Banks.

Reports			Mr. W. C. Gibbins & Dr. C. S. Baxter
		reported on the 2nd Team game.
			Mr. Britton reported on the 1st Team
		game v Aston Villa. Catterick had pulled a calf
		muscle and would be doubtful for Saturday. Both
		Potts & Clinton had pulled thigh muscles and were
		doubtful. Buckle would require a weeks rest, while
		Lindley was now in full training and Lello should
		be fully recovered in a few weeks. Hold did not
		wish to go to Bradford as he wished to move South.
		It was reported that Higgins had signed for Bangor,
		agreed that Mr. Britton should phone Mr. Howarth
		with regard to players being tempted outside
		League Football, and report next week.
			After watching Mc Haught (Raith Rovers) he