10 Buckle should be fit for Saty. Higgins suspension by the F. A. would be lifted as from Nov. 30. Ellesmere Port Town had asked for further financial assistance. They had quoted J. E. Jones & Hickson. Decided further information be acquired, before committing ourselves. The idea of a Colts team in that town, was not warmly received. Circular from F. A. re players to tour Australia in 1951, was left to Mr. Britton after getting players opinions. Racing Club de Paris had show some interest in Higgins future. Walsh 4 (W. B. A.) was on offer at £25,000. Agreed that powers be limited to £15,000 for securing him. He was about 26. Mention was made that Hickson & Rankin might do some good. W. C. Higgins 7 Mr. Britton reported that this player had said he was £400 to the good after his Bogota venture. Decided that club including Racing Club de Paris, be circularised of our intent to transfer him. Collections 6 Agreed that in future no collections be permitted on the ground without the Directors consent. England v Argentina This match to be played on May 9, 1951, at Wembley. Agreed to purchase 10 tickets at £2/2/- for use of Directors. Director to Sheffield Mr. E. Green. Transfer of Shares Shares Nod 993 & 994 & 2195 from H. H. Berney to S. J. Berney, were approved. 1 Earl's Close The purchase of this house for the use of H. Potts, at the figure of £2,700.