
			[Meeting held Xchange Hotel,
			L'pool, Wednesday, Nov. 8, 1950]

		Present:- Mr. W. R. Williams (Chair) & all other Directors
			excepting Mr. H. R. Williams (indisposed).
			Manager & Secy. in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of 1st inst., were read &

Finance			Cheques were signed for:-
		Horace Williams		Xes.			£16.4.8
		C. W. Gee		 do			£5.3.8
		C. S. Britton		Salary			£123.17.4
		Income Tax a/c	P. A. Y. E. on above		£42.16.0
		Theo Kelly		Wages			£524.9.10
		   do			Petty Cash		£91.18.1
		T. J. Smith & Sons.	Deposit, 1, Earls Close	£270.0.0
		Commissioner Inland Revenue Income Tax a/c	£492.9.0
			Bank Balance £17,926.5.5 Dr.

Reports			Messrs Sharp & Coffey reported upon the
		1st team.

			Dr. Baxter & Mr. Lake gave their views of
		the reserve team v Manchester Utd.

			Mr. Green recommended Duncun (R. B.). Ayr
		United for consideration by Mr. Britton. He was 5' 11"
		and about 25 years of age. Good in the ? powerful
		kicker, he might have sufficient speed to be a good
		C. H.. Campbell (C. F.), Ayr whilst not tall was a
		good player in a good forward line.

			Mr. Britton reported that Lello should be
		fit by playing & therefore regaining confidence in

			Wainwright, Catterick & Lindley were
		still having treatment