
		the collection taken by the Liverpool Union
		of Girls Clubs on Oct. 28th be produced at
		the next Meeting.

Reports			Dr. Baxter, and Messrs Searle & Coffey
		reported on the 1st Team game.
			Mr. E. Green reported on the 2nd team
		game at Leeds.
			Mr. J. C. Sharp was not impressed with
		Brown, centre Half of South Liverpool, but
		thought, Franks, Goalkeeper was superb on that
		? showing.
 			The Chairman reported that Wainwright
		was in hospital, and it was doubtful if he
		would be fit for Saturday. Lindley and
`		Catterick were both unfit, but Hamilton
		was now fit, and Lello had asked to play
		in the 2nd Team on Saturday.

W. C. Higgins		A Letter from the F. A. was read,
		informing us that a Joint Commission, would
		meet in London on Tuesday next Nov. 7th to
		consider this player's request for the lifting of
		his suspension. Agreed that the Chairman &
		Mr. Britton represent the Club at the hearing.

Football Club		Correspondence from the F. A. & Football
		League was read, and it was agreed that
		nothing further be done at the moment.

Mr. Britton's Xes.	A letter from our Accountants was
		read, and it was agreed to leave this matter
		in Abeyance till Next week pending further

Xmas Boxes		Agreed that these be as last year.

Directors Away		To Blackpool Messrs Williams, Gibbins,
		Sharp & Coffey.

Catering		Mr. Green reported that he had suggested
		to Mr. Britton to leave out certain types of