5 He preferred to keep Wainwright. 27, Croftson Ave. Agreed that this house be purchased Ormskirk at £1675. Fielding was at present living in it, & paying 17/6 per week. Bank Rates The Chairman related his interview with the Midland Bank Manager, when he had proposed certain reductions in Bank Charges, & it was expected that something beneficial might arise. Poppy Day Agreed to grant the British Legion Funds, the sum of Twenty five pounds. Lancs. Cup Replay Noted that this was arranged at Oldham for Tuesday, Oct. 31st, at 2.30 p.m. Directors Away To Oldham:- Messrs Williams, Green, Lake & Sharp. To Leeds :- Mr. Green. Catering Mr. Green reported how well he had proved the food provided for Players Meals. 78, Mostyn Ave. Noted that Eglington was now to take over this house. Properties Agreed that each member of the Board be supplied with a list of Houses acquired since the end of war, with relevant rentals. Next Meeting Wednesday, Nov. 1st, 1950, at Xchange Hotel, at 4 p.m. Confirmed as Correct W. R. Williams 1/11/50 Chairman